

  • Kyusei or 急性 means "acute", there is no reason behind this name, it just sounds nice!

kyusei is a Discord.JS utility framework, written in Typescript which aims to make Commands and Events easier by providing annotations/decorators for them.


At this current point there is not any "officially" written documentation, although that will be covered eventually, there is Typedoc-based documentation which can be found here


For more in depth examples, please refer to the /examples folder, or click here.

For a basic example of using Kyusei for commands:

// index.ts
import Kyu from 'kyusei';

const client: Kyu<true> = new Kyu({
// Your intents, partials, and other Discord.JS data,
commands: {
path: join(__dirname, 'commands')


// commands/ExampleCommand.ts
import { Command, CommandBase } from 'kyusei';
import { ChatInputCommandInteraction, CacheType } from 'discord.js';

@Command({ name: 'Example', description: 'A basic command' })
export default class ExampleCommand implements CommandBase
public execute(interaction: ChatInputCommandInteraction<CacheType>)
interaction.reply('Example command ran!');


If you have permission to publish, then go ahead and run npm publish and increment the version number, please push the version change as well.

This project relies heavily upon:

  • Reflect-Metadata
  • Discord.JS

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